Catholic Exchange: Genesis: Is Catholicism at Odds With Science?

There is a battle raging in our culture between science and faith. This battle is centuries old, as various philosophers and theologians have sought to divorce faith and reason. The Catholic Church has stood firmly in the middle of this battle, calling for a ceasefire. Faith and reason are meant to go together, not be …

A Moment of Beauty: Wildflowers

It's been a little while since I have had a beauty theme on the blog, so today it is wildflowers in honor of summer. All images were found via a Google Images search for "Wildflowers". God bless.

Mass is Boring?!

It is something that many Catholics hear often from others: "Mass is boring". Their reasons for feeling this way are varied: the Homily, music, tradition, to the movements of the Mass themselves, bore them. If there is something we Catholics know how to argue about and disagree on it is the Mass. I have no …